Cost in Hair Transplant
Cost in Hair Transplant procedures vary widely.
Cost in reputed AHRS centers is calculated on the basis of the number of follicular units done. A follicular unit is a collection of hair follicles - hair follicles do not exist singly but are grouped into clusters and these clusters are called follicular units. Follicular units are extracted and planted individually and each FU contains 1,2,3 or even more number of hairs.
So cost depends on a number of factors:
The grade of baldness of the patient is the prime determinator of the cost to the patient. The higher the grade of baldness, the more the follicular units needed by the patient and hence higher the cost. Grade 7 baldness which has lost all hair except the hair at the sides and the back requires 4500 to 5000 FU (follicular units) including from the beard and chest area, and hence cost is highest for grade 7. Someone who has just had a receding hairline in the temporal region may require only 500 to 1000 FU and hence cost will be lower. The number of FU required is also determined by how low the hairline a patient wants – a patient who wants a lower hairline will require more Follicular Units than someone who does not wish for a low hairline.
How many FU (follicular units) a person wants to do also determines his or her final expense, and this in turn depends on the budget that the person has determined for his or her transplant. Depending on the patient's wish, a patient may have a lower or higher budget and can accordingly determine how much FU he or she wants to do. Some patients are satisfied with only a light cover and may choose to do less number of FU while some want a full head of hair and are ready to spend a large amount for this. Thus a patient can choose how much FU to do. A patient may be told he requires 2000 FU to cover his baldness with high density, but he may opt to go for only 1000 FU with lower density coverage. Alternatively he may do only the front portion, or he may choose to do 1000 FU now and another 1000 FU after 6 months, all depending on his budget and his desire. Hair transplant is after all a cosmetic procedure and every person's needs and desires are different and accordingly each person may choose to go for higher or lower number of FU.
Price per FU is the third important determinator of the cost.
Price per FU varies due to a number of factors. One of the main determining factors of the price per FU is the type of procedure performed. FUE is more expensive than the strip method, as it is has more advantages and only few surgeons can offer this. FUE also takes up much more of the surgeon's time than the Strip method.
Costs also vary according to the region - typically costs will be more in larger cities than smaller ones. Individual variations in different clinics are also there - those with a larger infrastructure will typically charge more than small, rented premises units, which have fewer overheads (though the safety, sterility, etc may also be compromised in such units). Recently, a lot of controversy has arose about unsafe, small illegal units which offer hair transplant at a discounted price as procedures done in such clinics pose a lot of risk to the patient.
Main determinant of price per FU is the doctor who performs the surgery. Small commercial centers get the procedure done by technicians, ayurvedic or homeopathic graduates or at best by MBBS graduates. That is why they can offer the procedure at cheaper rates to attract patients and also offer various discounts, etc which should not have happened for a medical procedure. But because of lax regulations, this is allowed in India. Patients who are offered such rates by such centers should enquire about the qualifications of the doctor who is performing the surgery. Such centers also sometimes get the procedure done by a roving doctor or technician team who come only for the procedure and then go back, leaving the patient without any followup for discussing problems.
Ideally, only AHRS registered or certified doctors should perform this procedure. AHRS (Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons) is the official body of hair transplant surgeons in India, membership or certification from this body is possible only after meeting strict regulations and qualifications. Dr. P. J. Mazumdar is a registered member of AHRS and a member of the Ethics Committee of the AHRS and meets all rules and regulations that are prescribed by this and other international bodies. He is also a Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and all ethical and technical norms of the ABHRS and ISHRS are followed in the clinic.
Cost of hair transplant in India varies between ₹40 to ₹100 per FU in AHRS registered centers which are the gold standard for hair transplant. As discussed above, the costs vary according to whether it is FUE, the size of the center, etc. In Kolkatta and New Delhi, the cost for FUE transplant in an AHRS clinic varies between ₹50 to ₹70 per follicular unit for FUE. Cost in some luxury clinics can go upto ₹ 100 per FU. Medical costs in metros are higher which are not affordable in a region like the North East.
Cost per FU in Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic is ₹40 per FU. This includes all costs including GST, anesthetic charge, OT charge, etc. and is offered as a package.
In addition to this cost, there is a small OT charge of Rs 4000 per procedure.
Depending on the number of FU (follicular units) done, cost can vary from a minimum of Rs 24000 to more than a Lakh. Most people in the North East do about 1000 to 2000 FU in a session due to various constraints and so the average cost for a transplant is usually between ₹44,000 to ₹84,000.
These prices are fixed hospital prices and are the same for everybody. No discounts are given.
This figure is the total cost and there are no other hidden costs. The external costs which are not to be paid to the center include: investigations of about ₹1500 which are needed for any operation in Downtown or other hospitals and registration of ₹600. Medicines are not expensive, costing about ₹600 or so.
Special Offer:
For large cases (More than 1000 FU), services worth Rs 11000 will be provided free with each case, call to find out more:
Total : Rs 11000 worth of treatment free with each surgery!!
Look up here for a table on the approximate costs according to the number of FU done.
Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic also offers 0% interest-free installment payments for salaried persons. The conditions for this are:
In Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic, the costs have been kept at the minimum. This has been done despite the procedure being done through FUE and using the full safety and sterility of the hospital OT and its well staffed and fully modern OT theaters. This allows us to offer the full benefits of this procedure in the NE region where it is still relatively unknown. Persons with high grade baldness usually need between 1500 to 3000 FU while those with lesser degree of baldness with temporal hairline recession can often get a very nice effect with 500 FU only.
One big advantage of the FUE procedure is that it allows the patient to get the procedure done in stages so that the cost burden does not come at the same time. This was not possible in the earlier strip method. A patient who needs 1500 FU for example to cover his bald areas, can do just 500 FU in one session, then do another 500 FU after 3- 6 months or so and a third sitting later, thus spreading the costs. This way he will ultimately get the same benefit on 'installment' basis without being financially stressed. 500 FU can be used to give a good dense 'forelock' which is very effective in reducing the bald look. Of course, the more FU that are done, the better is the overall effect.
Such spread out sessions of transplantation also have an advantage in that the hair growth is not dramatic and not noticeable. Celebrities and others who are constantly in the limelight often prefer to go for such distributed sessions so that there is no sudden change in appearance which might cause comment. The disadvantage is that all the hassle of a procedure is repeated many times.
Hair transplant is a one-time cost. There are no further maintenance costs and the hair will last your whole life without needing any care. Hair gives you a young and youthfull appearance and helps not just socially but also in one's career. Read up here for a witty writeup on this hair vs baldand hairy American presidents. Transplants will change not only the way you look and give you greater confidence and ability; what so many research studies have shown is that people tend to place greater trust and belief in those with hair than in balding persons.
Sometimes people are offered very low quotes on the phone or after enquiring on the web. It should be remembered that such quotes are always suspect. It is upto the patient to make sure that he is not being taken for a ride by some illegal and unsafe clinic. Clinics will offer anything to get the customer into their grip and it is only then that they will show their true face.
Centers who have taken up hair transplant as a commercial venture perform various tricks to keep the costs low and attract patients. These include:
Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic does not want to discuss any low price offered by some center or other. This is among the lowest price offered by reputed AHRS registered clinics in India, though clinics of lesser standard may offer cheaper prices. We do not compete on prices, only on quality.
Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic uses the best instruments like 6X Heine loupes, Titanium Blunt punches, best sterilization and other practises, etc to ensure quality which in the final run is more cost effective than an intial cheap procedure.
Contact at the center to further discuss the costs and the final estimate.
There are at present 5 Hair transplant Clinics in Guwahati. Yes, there are 5 now! When we started we were the only clinic doing FUE Hair Transplant back in 2012. They are, in alphabetical order:
Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic, Downtown hospital -owned by Dr. P. J. Mazumdar, MS, FICS, ABHRS Diplomate
Dr. Paul, Zoo Tiniali – part of a chain which started as a homeopathy clinic for hair.
DHI, Supermarket police point – part of a chain of clinics
HHY, Bhangagarh – part of a chain of clinics
Monjoven, VIP Road – owned by Dr. Porag Neog, MS. First hair transplant in the North East was done in Monjoven using strip method in 2010.
Prices, according to telephonic quotations, are:
Arogyam: Rs 35 per FU
Dr. Paul: Rs. 25 per FU
DHI: Rs. 65 per FU
HHY: Rs. 30 per FU
Monjoven: Rs 35 per FU
As you can see, we fall in the middle range of prices.
Each clinic has its own strength and weaknesses. Different patients choose different clinics as per their priorities. As a prospective customer, you should examine each clinic and determine which would suit you best.
Our disadvantages are:
Our advantages are:
Read up more here:
About Dr. P. J. Mazumdar and Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic
Top 30 questions you need to ask about your Hair Transplant Doctor and Clinic
Know more about the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery
Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic takes several steps to ensure that quality is maintained for each and every patient. The key to quality maintenance is to implement quantizable quality standards and maintain proper documentation and review of processes. Downtown Hospital is an ISO 9001:2008 and NABH accredited hospital which demands strict adherence to quality control.Steps taken are:
Safety assurance: all procedures are done in the main OT of Downtown Hospital with its full complement of anesthesiologists and critical care specialists. Hence patients are assured of full safety standards at the same level as that of major surgeries including transplant surgeries.
Sterilization assurance: since procedures are done in the major OT full sterilization is maintained. Fumigation is done every week and swab tests are done to check for contamination.
Best instrumentation: Arogyam Hair Transplant Clinic uses the best available instruments like 6X Heine Loupe for precision and accuracy, Blunt Titanium punches which avoids damage and transection of the Follicular Units, Choi implanters to standardise the process of planting and prevent damage during planting, Major OT level sterilization, fumigation and autoclaving of all instruments, etc.
Efficiency count: Efficiency counts for FUE like transection rates and speed of transplant are noted and documented for each case and reviewed every 10 cases. Arogyam Hair Transplant achieves international standards of transection and speed consistently.
Counting trays: Counting trays are used to contain the follicular units and all patients are given photographs on their mobiles which they can use to easily count the number of follicular units taken out so that they can be sure that they have received the correct number of FU's.
Dr. P. J. Mazumdar is the first and only American Board Certified Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and all procedures are done following the ethical and technical guidelines of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery and the International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery. As such, patients can be assured of receiving full professional care as per International standards approved by the ABHRS and ISHRS.
Correct recepient density: To ensure correct recepient density, 'density stamps' are used to ensure proper density is achieved. Angle and direction of hair is meticulously maintained.
Out of body time: The out of body time, the time for which the follicular unit is outside the body, is the most critical factor for success in hair transplant. Aroyam Hair Transplant follows a special procedure to ensure that this time is the minimum. This is done by doing only 1000 follicular units at a time and then replanting them. This ensures that time out of body is less than or equal to1 hour only. This is the shortest period acheivable. Many centers do upto 2000-2500 follicular units at a time so that time out of body goes upto 4-5 hours. We are proud of our time out of body quantum. Though this may cause some sacrifice of time but results are more important.
Follow up: follow up period is critical for the patient when there are many doubts and anxieties in his mind. In our clinic, Dr. P. J. Mazumdar will remain always accessible to the patient directly on his personal mobile for any questions the patient may have during this period.
নিবন্ধের তালিকা
Disclaimer: Results can vary from person to person. Hair Transplant is a surgical procedure and consists only of removing hair from hair growing regions and restoring it to hair deficient regions.
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The academic certificates of Dr. P. J. Mazumdar may be examined here: Academic Certificates. His resume can be perused here: Resume. To find the contact address and other details, go to Contact. The blog contains various blog posts mainly on Hair Transplant. To see photos of hair transplant cases done in Downtown Hair transplant clinic, go to Photos>Results from the Navigation menu. To see videos related to Hair Transplant Procedure, go to Photos>Videos from the Navigation menu.